USS Mullinnix DD-944

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14 January, 2010

50 Yrs Ago Today, Mullinnix Berths @ Molo Garibaldi, La Spezia, Italy

Excerpt from “The Last Gun Ship - History of USS Mullinnix DD-944” - A Historical Novel By Frank A. Wood

She replenished from Denebola the following day, as well as transferring SKSN H. T. Hayes onboard, before anchoring in 5.5 fathoms of water in a Mediterranean moor with standard mooring lines in berth 6 to Molo Garibaldi, La Spezia, Italy on Thursday, 14 January.

The ship was underway at 0857 on Friday, 20 January for Pollensa Bay, Mallorca Island, Spain. The first drops of rain hit like dimes. Within minutes, the needle rain of a winter thunderstorm starting spearing Mullinnix like a frontal attack during the Boar Wars. By 0939, gray sheets of rain had obscured visibility to two miles.

While in route to the Mallorca Islands, Mux performed a personnel transfer via the motor whale boat from the USS Lowry DD-770. Five hours later, she was anchored in Pollensa Bay with the majority of the fleet. Ships present included Des Moines, Boston, USS Johnston DD-821, Lowry, sister-ship USS Manley DD-940, USS Cone DD-866, USS Gearing DD-710, USS Wrangell AE-12, USS Altair AE-12, USS Piper, Nantahala, and USS Robert H. McCard DD-822.

To be continued...


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