Frank A. Wood is an author of military trillers and historical fiction. Last his personnel account of experiences in Nam in 1972. Destruction, exhaustion, humor, and terror is shown from someone pulling the trigger and killing on a daily basis. A book for adult historians.
In the face of such tragedies, stories perhaps, are the best memorials we have. In unflinching detail through vivid and poignant language, the author leaves nothing to the imagination.
50 Yrs Ago Today, Mullinnix Berthed in Naples Italy for Christmas
Excerpt from “The Last Gun Ship - History of USS Mullinnix DD-944” - A Historical Novel By Frank A. Wood
The ship made it ways to Naples, Italy on 23 December, mooring in berth Quebec one Molo San Vincenzo breakwater with Vogelgesang, US Johnston DD-821 as well as Boston, Mississinewa, USS Yellowstone AD-27, Essex, USS Chewaucan AOG-50, Stormes, M.C. Fox and various vessels of foreign registry, plus assorted harbor craft. Naples would be the site of the first Christmas, unfortunately not the last, spent away from family and friends by the crew.
50 Yrs Ago Today, President Eisenhower talks to crew of Mullinnix
Excerpt from “The Last Gun Ship - History of USS Mullinnix DD-944” - A Historical Novel By Frank A. Wood)
15 December was a historic day for the Mullinnix and its crew. The following was recorded in the ships log on the 12-1600 watch by LT G.D. Walker:
“Ships present include USS Des Moines, USS Essex, RHMS NIKI 65, and RHMS Velos 16. The President of the United States (Dwight D. Eisenhower – the 34th President of the United States) is embarked in USS Des Moines. COMSIXTHFLT is embarked in USS ESSEX. COMDESRON 32 is embarked this ship.”
Mullinnix was honored by being selected to act as primary escort ship for President Eisenhower when he traveled from Athens to Tunis to Toulon aboard the USS Des Moines CA-134 for his eleven nation goodwill tour “QUEST FOR PEACE”. In Toulon, the President spoke directly to the crew by radio and congratulated them on doing a magnificent job. Wednesday, 16 December was witness to the flight in ‘special formation’ as it proceeded to Tunis, Tunisia. At 1515 the crew manned the rail as HMS Tyger C320 rendered honors to the President embarked on Des Moines. Once the ships arrived in Golfe De Tunis, Mullinnix patrolled the area between anchorage of USS Des Moines and Cap Carthage.
50 Yrs Ago Today (Pearl Harbor Day), Mullinnix Investigates a Sonar Contact
Excerpt from “The Last Gun Ship - History of USS Mullinnix DD-944” - A Historical Novel By Frank A. Wood) Early on the morning of 7 December, 18 short years after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Mullinnix steamed out of the harbor at 0724 for operations in accordance with COMSIXTHFLT OpOrder 60-59. The crew was exercised at general quarters for ASW exercises to investigate a sonar contact, steamed and maneuvered with the Essex, refueled from the USS Mississenewa AO-144, mail transfer from USS Stormes DD-780, and performed ASW operations in area TURK with USS Piper SS-409 and USS Vogelgesang DD-862.
The following day she rendezvous with Task Group 63.1 consisting of USS Betelguese AF-260, USS Altair AKS-32, and USS Hyades AF-28. While taking on supplies from Altair, Seaman R. A. Cable was injured when a tripod snapped on aft station and the supporting stanchion struck him in the groin.
On Friday, 11 December, 8 minutes after securing from refueling from the Mississenewa, the bridge lost steering control. The captain immediately ordered ship’s speed to be reduced to 10 knots while aft steering assumed steering control. Steering was shifted back to the bridge after it was discovered the casualty occurred when the load was lost on the ship’s service generators 3 and 4.
Exercises continued into Saturday with man over board drills, Z-2-T practice with USS Vogelgesang DD-862 with the Mullinnix acting as the target. She then transferred mail to Stromes followed by transferring ENS Fleming, RD1 Newman, and TM3 Double to Vogelgesang. The ship then conducted Z-4-AD gunnery tracking exercises. After the three shipmates were returned safely to the ship, Mullinnix completed a mail transfer via helicopter.
50 Yrs Ago Today, Mullinnix heads to Golfe Juan, France
Excerpt from “The Last Gun Ship - History of USS Mullinnix DD-944” - A Historical Novel By Frank A. Wood)
The moon was out in the early morning of 3 December, but the night sky was cloudy, creating rings of light around the moon. Mullinnix steamed with Boston and Essex in route to Golfe Juan, France, anchoring at 0819 for a very brief visit. By 1340 the ship was underway for Cannes, France, anchoring a short time later at 1423 at Golfe De La Napoule, Cannes with 60 fathoms of chain to the starboard anchor. Ships present were Boston, Essex, USS M.C. Fox DD-829, and USS Piper SS-409. By 1526 she was headed to San Raphael, France, arriving later that day.
From 3 through 6 December, Mullinnix, Essex, Boston, Vogelsang, Myles, and C. Fox aided relief efforts in the San Raphael area after a dam burst.[i]
Their stay unexpected disrupted, Mullinnix was underway at 1543 on 4 December to investigate a submarine contact in accordance with orders of COMDESRON 32. A few minutes later the ship went to ASW General Quarters.
The captain told the OOD, “Sound general quarters, one ASW.”
“Aye, aye, Captain,” Ensign W.E. Pheris leaned into the pilothouse and called, “Right ten degrees rudder, Steady on course one-two-zero. Boatswain mate of the watch, sound general quarters one ASW.”
The boatswain’s pipe blew, the 1MC gonged; men dropped what they were doing. Tucking pant legs into socks, buttoning all sleeves, and tugging on life jackets, they ran to their general quarters stations.
“All stations manned and ready, Captain.” Announced Pheris.
“Thank you Mr. Pheris.”
The captain ordered a narrow weaving pattern on various courses while conducting the search for the submarine contact. For over an hour the ship and her crew searched relentlessly as waves burst into ropes of foam on the bow, spraying a fine salt mist on MT51. The sky was slate-gray. The wind tightening the chests of the men manning the torpedo tubes and hedgehogs.
This was it. This was real. They were excited and scared at the same time. The excitement showing in one eye, terror in the other. There is something obscene in the face’s ability to pair these two attitudes, as though the mind is shared equally between a moron and a reptile. After what felt like hours and hours of their nerves on high-alert, Mullinnix was detached and proceeded to Golfe de Napoule, Cannes, France to debark personnel from Essex and Boston. She was underway at 1922 arriving in Golfe Juan, France at 2021.